Be a Neighbor
We need your support to help bring neighbors together for a beautiful Oakland. Please join us today, everyone is a neighbor!
“Neighbor” $10.00 annual membership fee - NT monthly digital newsletter, NT car window decal, and more!
“Super Neighbor” $20.00 annual membership fee - NT Neighbor Membership package, plus a NT T-shirt, garden seeds, and more!
“Super Duper Neighbor” $100.00 annual membership fee - NT Super Neighbor Membership Package, plus (1) ticket to annual Gala (Fall 2021), and much more!
We need your support to help bring neighbors together for a beautiful Oakland. Please join us today, everyone is a neighbor!
“Neighbor” $10.00 annual membership fee - NT monthly digital newsletter, NT car window decal, and more!
“Super Neighbor” $20.00 annual membership fee - NT Neighbor Membership package, plus a NT T-shirt, garden seeds, and more!
“Super Duper Neighbor” $100.00 annual membership fee - NT Super Neighbor Membership Package, plus (1) ticket to annual Gala (Fall 2021), and much more!
We need your support to help bring neighbors together for a beautiful Oakland. Please join us today, everyone is a neighbor!
“Neighbor” $10.00 annual membership fee - NT monthly digital newsletter, NT car window decal, and more!
“Super Neighbor” $20.00 annual membership fee - NT Neighbor Membership package, plus a NT T-shirt, garden seeds, and more!
“Super Duper Neighbor” $100.00 annual membership fee - NT Super Neighbor Membership Package, plus (1) ticket to annual Gala (Fall 2021), and much more!